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David Michael Farrell

David Farrell, more commonly known as Phoenix, is the bassist for the rock band Linkin Park.

(Why Phoenix?

Because Dave has two Phoenix Tattoos on his back)

He was born on February 8, 1977 in Plymouth, Massachusetts.

He attend Mission Viejo High School and graduated in Philosophy from the University of California, Los Angeles (where he shared a room with Brad Delson).

He played in Brad's band XERO which became later Linkin Park.
But Dave decided to go on tour with his Christian Punk band "Tasty Snax"

After the release of Hybrid Theory (October 24, 2000) he decided to came back to Linkin Park and since then he plays the Bass.

28th December, 2002 he married Linsey and in 2007 he became a father.

He uses:
Ernie Ball Music Man Sting Ray basses
Ampeg SVT Classic heads
Ampeg SVT Classic cabinets
Dean Markley Blue Steel strings
Dunlop Picks (.88)
DBX 160 compressor
Monster cables
Sans Amp
Boss pedals
Whirlwind direct boxes
Shure wireless

His favourite Musicians:

Weezer,The Beatles, the Deftones, The Roots, Bob Marley, Sarah McLachlan, Hughes & Wagner and Harrod & Funck.

He can also play:
electric guitar

His quotes on LP videos are famous and the funniest. like:
- go train, goo!
- I don't eat pizza and pringles, I eat Pizzapringles
- Mike: what? Did he said perfume? PHX: I think he likes your perfume mike.
- Ice Ice Cold Beer
- Those kids out there are dangerous(answer on the the question why he wears a bulletproof jacket on Faint)
- Brad's gonna pissed off!
(..more to come later..)
His favourite colour WAS clear, now it's green

Phoenixfarrell.tripod is created and maintained by Ana aka. linkinparc. Site launched on July 29, 2007, best viewed with 1024 x 768 screen resolution. All altered images and graphics unless otherwise specified are copyright © Ana 2007. Linkin Park Biography by zee. All rights reserved. This site and it's owner are not affiliated with Linkin Park or Warner Bros.