Rob Bourdon
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The Drummer

Robert Gregory Bourdon is best known as the drummer for the world famous rock band that is Linkin Park.

Rob was born on January 20, 1979 in Calabasas, California. Bourdon started to take interest in drums at the age of 10 when he first saw Aerosmith live in concert. His mother was Joey Kramer's girlfriend, so Bourdon was able to go backstage and see the entire production and Kramer also gave him a kick pedal. In his early teen years, Bourdon played in bands with his friends. It was around that time that he met his current Linkin Park bandmate, Brad Delson, and they played together for about a year in a band called Relative Degree. Their goal was to play at the Roxy Theatre, and, after achieving their goal with a sell-out show, Relative Degree eventually broke up. He then formed Xero with previous Relative Degree bandmate and present Linkin Park bandmates Brad Delson and Mike Shinoda. Xero later became to be known as Linkin Park.

Rob is considered by many fans to be one of the members that have changed their sound the most for Minutes To Midnight. The variety of drum sounds in the album is greatly commented upon by fans.
Rob's favorite song to play is In The End.

He uses:
Drums (Gretsch Projekt Revolution kit):
14X5 Snare Drum
22X16 Bass Drum
18X16 Floor Tom
16X13 Floor Tom
10X8 High-Tom
12X10 Mid-Tom
Cymbals (Zildjian):
14" A-New Beat hi-hats
14" A-Custom Mastersound hi-hats [Changes between hi hats live]
18" A-Custom Projection Crash
10" A-Custom Splash
19" A-Custom Projection Crash
21" A-Custom Projection Ride
20" Oriental China "Trash"
14" ZXT Trashformer

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